You know it.

I know it.

Everyone knows it!

China gave world a virus, they bought Joe Biden, and he cheated BIG TIME!

So where does that leave us?

where they want us to be.

Wearing masks like and taking shots that they wouldn’t give to .

Half of America’s businesses are shut down.

Each bill passed gives of $$$ to foreign enemies but leaves YOU empty handed.

It’s like we're living under COMMUNIST RULE.

This is ALL unprecedented.

There has been fraud like we’ve seen before.

The recent audit in Michigan revealed irregularities and the upcoming audits in Arizona and Georgia are expected to reveal .

Great patriots like Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell are fighting Dominion in court, which means they will finally have a chance to present their of evidence.

I don't know what's going to happen...

But here's what I do know:

We MUST take the government BACK on the local, state, and federal levels.

I have put together a PLAN to help us do just that.

We are going to put once again by ENSURING:

‣ We have FREE and FAIR elections.

‣ We OPEN UP America.

‣ We TAKE BACK the House and Senate.

‣ We REJECT globalism in ALL its forms.


I want YOU to work to fix the corrupt American system.

Pre-order my plan NOW and expect its arrival on Friday, April 30.

I chose that date because it will be right after Mike Lindell exposes more election fraud AND that's right when the Maricopa County audit begins.

By Monday we we'll be ready to make a lot of noise and utilize my strategy to hold our government officials accountable.

I am sharing my plan for because I want to get involved.

I've been fighting for a while now.

I started speaking out the moment my small business got by the lockdowns.

Since then I've been slandered, threatened, and much worse.

I've faced major backlash for calling out like George Soros and Bill Gates.

To me it's all worth it because I this country and I want to the New World Order.

There's a good chance you feel the same way.

As you probably know, I've been blessed enough to connect with tens of thousands of patriots on Twitter and Telegram. I have some of the fastest growing accounts on both platforms!

I want to change things FASTER, spread the truth QUICKER, and make MORE content on MORE platforms, but I can't do it without your help!

So I included some options where, in return for your support, I will follow and promote your account!

Patriot Package ($99):

You get:

VIP Package ($199)

You get:

MVP Package ($499)

You get:

On Friday, April 22, the plan is dropping.

Enter "$0" to get it for free or choose one of the paid options and help me out!


I want this!
Available on May 29, 2021 at 12:00 AM
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I want this!